Register Now for Cit-in 2025 at Maryborough, Qld


Adult/teenager: $400.00
Child 5–12: $150.00
Child under 5: Free

Cit-in 2025 Registration Form

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Vehicle Details

(You can add more than one vehicle -- click the "+" icon on the right)

Emergency Contact in case of emergency

Other people included in this Registration

Add the name and category of each person accomanying you to Cit-in 2025.

Accompanying Person

Add Name

Special Requirements

Number of Adults attending
Number of Children Attending
Terms and Conditions
  1. You must conduct yourself in a manner that takes due care and regard of your own safety, the safety of fellow participants and the general community. You are responsible for the behaviour and safety of all persons listed on this registration form. Minors are the sole responsibility of their parents, carer or guardian during the event and any event run activities.
  2. You must comply with any relevant policy, guideline, rule, law or regulation associated within the law, venues and spaces where the event is held and comply with any directions given by the organising committee, the venue proprietors and their staff.
  3. Your vehicles must be registered and insured and all drivers must be licensed to participate in Cit-in events.
  4. Contact the Cit-in planning committee via the website regarding refunds due to extenuating circumstances up until 15 April 2025, after which no refunds are possible. It will be at the discretion of the Citroen Car Club of Queensland management committee if refunds are approved. An administration fee of $40 will be kept if refunds are made after 1 March 2025. In the event that Cit-in 2025 is cancelled a full refund will be made.
  5. While all care will be taken, the CCCQ takes no responsibility for any loss, or actions of participants that are unlawful, unsafe or otherwise break the laws of society and this event.
  6. The registration fee includes all listed / scheduled activities including a Welcome Bag with mementos of the event, Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday lunch and dinner and Monday breakfast. No part fees will be offered or accepted.
  7. The registration fee does NOT include travel and accommodation nor any other incidentals. A cash bar will be available at evening events for alcoholic beverages.

Clear Signature
Sign in the box with finger/mouse/stylus

CHECK before you tap 'Submit':

  1. Have you filled in all required details?
  2. Have you checked and agreed to the Terms and Conditions?
  3. Can you see that you've signed with blue ink!


Account details for EFT payment will be emailed to you when you register.


If you have any questions or comments regarding registration for Cit-in 2025 or this form please Contact us.


  • Welcome bag and memento of the event
  • Meals:
    • Friday: Dinner
    • Saturday: Lunch and dinner
    • Sunday: Lunch and dinner
    • Monday: Breakfast

Cash Bar

Will be available at evening events.


Excludes travel and accommodation.